Want to fill your prescriptions at MSU Health Care Pharmacy?

All you have to do is complete the from below to transfer your prescriptions and we will do the rest.


Due to the closure of several local pharmacies and changes to the MSU insurance benefit, the MSU Health Care Pharmacy has received a larger than normal amount of transfer requests. Please indicate, within the notes field on your request, if you need any prescription transfers filled right away. We thank you for you choosing the MSU Health Care Pharmacy and appreciate your patience.

The MSU Health Care Pharmacy is a closed entity. You must be affiliated with the University to use this pharmacy. Only leave a transfer request if you are a:

  1. MSU Employee
  2. MSU Retiree
  3. MSU Student
  4. Patient who see a MSU Health Care doctor.

Questions? Just Ask!

Contact us for immediate assistance

*The MSU Health Care Pharmacy is a closed entity. We exclusively serve Michigan State University faculty, staff, retirees, students and MSU Health Care Patients.*